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Every year after a month-long vacation, children often struggle to get back to school and more so academics. While piling up charts and projects, parents often are left with no choice but to forcefully send their children to school to learn, whether they like it or not. It’s not easy for you and your child to gear up after a leisurely time-out from the hectic academic routine. 

Faridabad schools have started reopening after summer vacations and parents are already having nightmares about preparing their kids to get back to school. Homerton Grammar School, the best CBSE school in Faridabad understands what you go through and are with you in this journey of prepping your child for the long days in school. The mission of the school is to give its students the perfect environment to study, play and achieve an overall personality development. Moreover, the objective of the institution is to make the school, a second home for students. 

Homerton Grammar School brings a rich legacy of over 40 years and is considered among the Top 10 schools of Faridabad. The purpose of this school in Faridabad also lies in not only assisting its students but parents as well.

Here are seven tips to help you encourage and motivate your child to get back into the academic routine after a vacation.

  1. The talk: An hour of chat with your child about how their day was at school, if they are stuck somewhere, if they need any help, etc. can do wonders. So, as the best school in Faridabad, our first tip for you would be “The Talk”. Clear communication is crucial if you want to make sure your child understands the importance of education. You need to talk, as your influence is enough to help your child comprehend what kind of academic expectations they need to reach. Nobody, but only you can make them realise that they need to maintain focus and effort. Be supportive towards your child and help them with their academic work. You can do this by explaining concepts, proofreading assignments, or providing help as required.

  2. The Time-table technique: Establish a routine to help your child get into the hang of dedicated study time. Gradually you can set specific times for homework, studying, and other academic activities. Sit with them and create this back-to-school timetable as a fun little activity. Include what they would like to do throughout the day and in return they’ll listen to you too.

  3. Study-friendly environment: A designated well-lit and quiet area is essential for studying. An environment free from distractions provides a perfect space for your child to focus and grasp as much as possible. Materials, such as books, and stationery, are crucial for conductive learning. Paste their favorite posters and place their favourite merchandise around so that they feel the room belongs to them. A personalised environment will make them stay longer in it.

  4. Avoid clutters: Break down various tasks into manageable chunks to help your child not feel overwhelmed. The last thing you want is pain-inflicting experiences associated with academics. 

  5. Keep track: Monitor your child’s academic progress and deliver regular feedback so that they can learn from their mistakes, though don’t forget to celebrate their achievements. Stay around when you can and put together quizzes to make learning even more fun. Stick the scores on the fridge and watch the pride and joy reflecting on your child’s face.

  6. Time management: Effective time management will help your child prioritise tasks, set deadlines, and plan their study time effectively. This will benefit them in the long run.

  7. Balance academics with fun: Indulging in activities will assist your child to balance academics with fun by engaging in hobbies, sports, and social activities. You can promote a well-rounded development and your child can prevent the dreaded burnout. 

Homerton Grammar School, one of the best CBSE schools in Faridabad understands that each child is unique, and requires personalised attention. Being patient, supportive, and maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers can ensure they receive the necessary academic support. 

One of the best CBSE schools in Faridabad, Haryana, Homerton Grammar School assures its parents fraternity that it is committed to preparing tomorrow’s achievers today.

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