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The growing digital age demands everyone to be online for both personal and professional reasons. And the younger generations are quickly adapting to online life than before. But the experience on the internet is not always pleasant and safe, especially for a naive child. There are risks like cyber bullies, scammers, predators, inappropriate content, viruses, computer security issues, etc. Parents of every Faridabad school need to be vigilant about their children’s online activities.

The best school in Faridabad – Homerton Grammar School, suggests every parent to take 5 effective measures to ensure their children’s safety on the internet. They are:

  1. Set ground rules: Have an open communication with your children and make some ground rules about what they can post and who can see their post. Talk to them about how everything they post online will be online forever, hence they need to create a positive digital presence. Make them aware of unwanted contents and people they should be safe from on the internet.
  2. Use cyber protection: Keep your device and softwares always updated, configure privacy settings to minimize data collection. Teach your child how to keep their information private. Tell them to always consult you before their full name or photo on any website.
  3. Guide them: Sit with your child and guide them how to connect with others without compromising safety. Help them recognise misinformation, inappropriate contents that can cause them harm. Explore together to see what can go wrong and what can they do.
  4. Be a role model: The best CBSE school in Faridabad advises parents to set examples of safe internet usage for their children. Practice it yourself, be mindful of what you share with your children, what you share about them online. Encourage them to be respectful and mindful while using the internet.
  5. Let them enjoy: Being present online lets your child explore their creativity, expand their knowledge and use their voice. So, do not tell them to completely abandon the internet. Encourage them to use it positively for their benefit, while being safe and secure.

Homerton Grammar School – the best public school in Faridabad, teaches their students to be mindful of what they consume, post and share online. We make sure our students get the best of the internet to learn and grow for the better.

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