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No matter how well prepared one is, something as important as a board exam is going to cause fear at some level or another. So, what can a student do? To attend the paper with confidence, one needs to know how to manage time in the exam hall. From getting the question paper in hand to submitting the answer sheet, a student needs to use their time strategically. Because without proper time management, even a good student from one of the best CBSE schools in Faridabad can face difficulties during the exam.

Homerton Grammar School – the best CBSE school in Faridabad, suggests 5 important time management tips for students to follow inside the exam hall.

  1. Read the question paper thoroughly: Don’t waste any time and read through the question paper as soon as you get it. In a limited time, there is a chance you can miss out on a few questions or misread something. Reading thoroughly gives you a head start for planning the strategies for the exam.
  2. Divide time strategically: Once you have gone through the question paper, the next step is to make a plan. Take a couple of minutes and allot time to each question according to its weightage. Stick to the divided time as much as possible so that you don’t miss out on any questions.
  3. Attend the tough ones first: At the beginning of the exam, our minds stay fresh and can function faster. The best school in Faridabad advises to use this time for the questions that need more of your time. Keep the easy ones for later as you are confident about them.
  4. Plan answers before writing: Before attempting any question, it’s important to plan what you’re going to write. Recall what you’ve read and form an answer in your mind. Having a plan before writing will prevent you from slowing down.
  5. Revise carefully: The best public school in Faridabad advises students not to hurry to submit answer sheets before time. Have 10-15 minutes allotted for revising your answers. Make sure you don’t have any spelling errors, haven’t missed anything, or have made any mistakes.

Follow these tips and do your best on the boards. Homerton Grammar School – the best Faridabad school, wishes you the best of luck!

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