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Studying includes a lot of steps, but once you find the motivation, you can be glued to the chair for hours without realising it. Constantly sitting and looking at books or screens is not a healthy habit, which is why you need to take short and effective breaks in between long study hours. Homerton Grammar School – the best school in Faridabad suggests using these small study breaks to exercise and re-energise yourself. Educators at the best Faridabad school say that one should take a break once, at least every 90 minutes.

Here are 5 benefits of quick exercises during study breaks, listed by one of the top 10 schools of Faridabad – Homerton Grammar School.

  1. Refreshment: A ten-minute cardio workout can wake you up better than a cup of strong coffee. Bonus? It’s a lot healthier than having too many cups of coffee. Get some fresh air and exercise lightly to get some energy and refreshment. You will see your performance improve.
  2. Sense of control: Exercising gives us a sense of control. With big tests or deadlines lined up, it’s easy to panic and fall behind. Working out helps students of the top CBSE schools in Faridabad reclaim control over what and how much they are doing and want to do.
  3. Stress relief: Activities that get our heart rates up can instantly boost our mood. For students preparing for exams, the shortest of sessions helps reduce stress and make them feel relaxed.
  4. Better discipline: Working out is a great way to stay motivated. It requires discipline and attention. And once you get into the habit of working out, you’ll start applying the discipline to your studies as well.
  5. Increased fitness: Our body needs exercise to stay healthy. So, instead of being a couch potato, get light exercise to keep your physical and mental health intact. Homerton Grammar School – the best CBSE school in Faridabad suggests three to four short workout study breaks to notice positive changes in a few weeks!

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