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The pressure to excel in exams and get good grades is on for students of CBSE schools in Faridabad who are appearing for boards exams this year. Students of Classes X and XII have been preparing hard for their exams for months, and now it’s time to start revisions. All the sleepless nights, long study hours, and classes at the top CBSE schools in Faridabad will be fruitful if only the studied topics are revised properly before exams.

Homerton Grammar School – the best CBSE school in Faridabad, suggests 5 tips on how to revise before boards exams:

  1. Get rid of distractions: Find a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed by anyone while studying. The concepts are already read, it’s easy to be overconfident and distracted. So, try keeping away from distractions as much as possible. Social media is a big no for the last month before exams. Use your technologies smartly for study purpose, not for scrolling through or chitchats.
  1. Read summaries: The last few days are a consolidation period. So, rather than reading the concepts all over again, read summaries such as bullet points, mind maps for each chapter. At the best school in Faridabad, we teach our students to make these notes or flashcards ready beforehand for their best interest.
  1. Practise and practise: For subjects like Maths, Computer Science, Accountancy, there is no alternative to practise. So, practise these as much as you can. Also, practise your writing skill to prepare yourself better for handling time and pressure in the exam hall.
  1. Make charts and stick them on the wall: The formulas of Maths or Physics, the dates of History, or the periodic table – try making charts and stick them on the walls of your room. This way you won’t have difficulty looking for them while revising the concepts.
  1. Discuss with your friends: At Homerton Grammar School – the best Faridabad school, we inspire our students to study effectively with their peers. While discussing with classmates and asking them questions, students get more insights and clarity about the concepts. It also helps them remember those topics better than just reading.

Now you know how to revise to ace your board exams. So use these last days before boards carefully, and do your best!

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